
Premio Swiss Engineering Ticino 2023

da sinistra: Marc Langheinrich, Enrico Vitali, Pietro Miotti, Monica Gianelli Bertino e Davide Dellaganna
da sinistra: Marc Langheinrich, Enrico Vitali, Pietro Miotti, Monica Gianelli Bertino e Davide Dellaganna

Institutional Communication Service

8 May 2023

The PREMIOSWISSENGINEERINGTICINO Foundation aims to support young graduates in engineering and architecture by providing financial assistance to talented individuals from vocational schools and universities in the Canton of Ticino. On 4 May, the 2023 edition of the prize was awarded, with Pietro Miotti winning in the "USI Faculty of Informatics" category. Giusy La Licata received the award in the "USI Academy of Architecture" category, and Stefan Costache and Davide Orsi were both awarded the USI TALENTICINO Scholarships.

Pietro Miotti earned his Master's degree in Computational Science (Faculty of Informatics, USI) with the thesis "A simplified 3D model for eukaryotic cells and estimation of its parameters using machine learning", supervised by Prof. Igor Pivkin. The thesis focuses on the use of data-driven models to estimate parameters of complex three-dimensional cell models, to understand how diseases affect the mechanical properties of individual cells by studying their mechanical properties, such as estimating key parameters of cancer cells.

The USI Master Prize, Academy of Architecture category, was awarded to Giusy La Licata, a graduate of the Master of Architecture, for her thesis on "Housing in Rue de la Loi - Brussels".

The prize awarded to Pietro Miotti and Giusy La Licata amounts to CHF 1,000 each.

The Talent Ticino Scholarships, which are worth CHF 3,000, were awarded to Stefan Costache and Davide Orsi, both Bachelor in Architecture graduates of the Academy of Architecture. The scholarship is given to recent graduates with a USI Bachelor's degree in informatics or Architecture of Swiss or foreign nationality who plan to pursue a Master's degree in Switzerland and have enrolled for the 2022/2023 academic year. 

Also awarded for USI were Gianlorenzo Occhipinti, a graduate of the Master in Informatics (double degree USI - Uni Bicocca), for Best Presentation in the Faculty of Informatics category; Alessia Rapetti, a graduate of the Master in Architecture, for Best Presentation in the Academy of Architecture category:

The Swissengineering Ticino Prize Foundation's jury used a candidate evaluation management platform created by the CodeLounge Research Centre of the Software Institute at USI.