New platform for USI IT support
Institutional Communication Service
11 March 2021
The USI IT Service has launched a service management platform to improve communication with IT users and support them in achieving their study and work goals.
The new portal allows users to browse the full range of services available, which range from assistance with PC issues to advice on digitalising management processes or connecting new locations to the regional academic network. Moreover, the service management platform makes it possible to contact the IT service desk for assistance requests or to report any malfunctions related to the various services offered and, above all, to transparently follow the progress of the processing of open requests and, at the end, to express one's satisfaction. Last but not least, the portal hosts, in addition to user guides, a collection of tips and solutions to previously solved problems that will grow over time.
"The service management platform aims to offer a modern and agile communication tool," says Ivano Di Remigio, user support coordinator within the IT department. "Personal contact with the user support specialists on the various campuses will continue to be essential."
As far as the organisation of the IT Service is concerned, the platform will enable better structuring of the work of the IT user support team and systematisation of the flow of support requests, which have grown with the opening of new faculties and campuses and with the diffusion of new forms of remote working.