Being a university. The Student Corporation
Institutional Communication Service
26 April 2021
The charitable contribution for the fight against COVID-19, the extraordinary out-of-pocket support for student associations, the promotion of various activities on campuses and solidarity grants. These are just some of the initiatives and projects approved in the last legislature of USI Academic Senate and implemented also thanks to the budget of the Student Corporation, which through the support of the concrete initiatives of students, aims at enriching university life on USI campuses.
Being a university student is an experience that accompanies the educational and human growth of those who are fortunate enough to live it, imprinting lasting memories. But what does it mean to be part of the University and live university life to the fullest? To answer this question, also in view of the upcoming elections for USI Academic Senate, we would like to review all the projects promoted and supported by the Corporation which have been able to see the light and accompany the university experience of students despite the exceptional situation and uncertainties related to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Below is an overview of the various projects carried out thanks in part to the support of the Student Corporation in the past legislature of the Academic Senate, and those currently underway:
- Solidarity contributions to the fight against COVID-19 and/or its economic-social consequences: to help those who are fighting against COVID-19 and/or its economic-social consequences, to show support to the region and to express gratitude to those who have worked first-hand to bring the support of Università della Svizzera italiana community to those most at risk in this pandemic
- Support the distribution of masks to the university community: in favour of the University's initiatives aimed at encouraging the use - and proper use - of masks in all situations in which they represent valid protection against the spread of COVID-19
- Support to solidarity grants for students affected by the economic and social consequences of COVID-19
- Support to the University's initiative "USI Welcome 2020": promoting cohesion among students, new and returning, thanks to a "welcome and welcome back" event on the Lugano campus to allow students to meet and get to know the Student Associations active at USI
- Extraordinary out-of-pocket support for Student Associations, under the Corporation's project, to support the activities of the recognised associations
- Support to the centenary of the Swiss Union of University Students. The Swiss Union of University Students is active on various fronts, promotes specific projects, deals with topical issues of particular urgency that closely concern students in Switzerland and participates in many different committees dealing with university policy
- Support to the Camera Obscura photography workshop - promoted by the student association OSA (Organisation of Academy Students)
- Support to the organisation of the inaugural conference of a new series dedicated to alternative points of view in architecture - promoted by the student association OSA (Organisation of Academy Students)
- Support to Orto in Accademia, finalised in its first phase related to the design competition - promoted by OSA (Organisation of Academy Students)
- Support to CineOSA for the organisation of a cinematographic review - promoted by OSA (Organisation of Academy Students)
- Support to OSA Lectures - promoted by OSA (Organisation of Academy Students)
- Support to the Workshop "LACritica: ritorno al tragico" (LACriticism: return to tragedy), a workshop born as a collaboration between the association Il Letterificio, the magazine Stratagemmi - Prospettive Teatrali and Lugano LAC - promoted by the Student Association Il Letterificio
The complete list of proposals and initiatives submitted to the Student Corporation for funding and their respective decisions and grounds is available here (in Italian):
Being involved in university life is essential as it allows students to make their voice heard and pursue new projects. We invite you to submit your candidacy for the elections of the students' representatives in the USI Academic Senate, reminding you that the elected students' representatives are members of the governing body of the Student Corporation by right. The deadline to submit your candidacy is Saturday, 8 May (23:59) through the website, which can be accessed with netID. Elections will take place digitally from 11 to 25 May via the website.
// The Student Corporation, which includes all Bachelor's and Master's students regularly enrolled at USI, aims to contribute to a positive and enriching student experience by strengthening the sense of community. It gives voice to the student body and gets students involved. Its main tasks include representing students at the relevant USI offices, supporting and implementing projects to promote university life and fostering cohesion within the University.