Town hall #3: Diversity in academia: creating participatory spaces for dialogue
Institutional Communication Service
16 May 2021
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of women’s vote in Switzerland and the 20th anniversary of the Equal Opportunities Service, USI launches the third Town hall "Diversity in academia: creating participatory spaces for dialogue ", on the topic of diversity in academia. What institutional tools and initiatives are available to USI community? What role can students and assistants play in creating a more open and inclusive environment for education and research? How to foster participation and dialogue? We will explore these topics with the contribution of a special guest: Charlotte Maltese-Barthes, Assistant Professor of Urban Design at Harvard University and co-founder of the Parity Group, a grassroots association initiated within the Department of Architecture at ETH.
The meeting will be held online (via Teams) on Wednesday, 19 May, from 19 pm to 20:30 pm with the following line-up:
• Welcome from Boas Erez, Rector
• Introductory remarks from Sonja Hildebrand, Prorector for Research in the Humanities and Equal Opportunities
• “USI’s toolkit for diversity” Gloria Dagnino (Equal Opportunities Service) and Marc Langheinrich (Equal Opportunities Delegation)
• “Parity Works: Institutional Activism in Architecture Schools” Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (Harvard University) in conversation with Hope Strode (USI Accademia di architettura)
• Q&A (through chat)
The event will take place in English.
Link for participating to the event
#USI25 #USIsU #facciamoconoscenza #townhall