On Scale. Simposio online ISUP, Istituto di studi urbani e del paesaggio

Academy of Architecture

Date: 3 December 2021 / 09:30 - 18:00



ISUP Istituto di studi urbani e del paesaggio


Symposium online


On Scale

Organised by Matteo Vegetti
with the support of Enrico Sassi  


Friday 3 December 2021




Passcode: 558985



The traditional concept of scale is increasingly challenged by new trans-scalar spatial logics. It is enough to think of the interconnection between the local environment and the global levels, of new communication and visualization technologies, of earth and space infrastructures, or even of the relationship between the city and urbanization processes, which are much broader than the urban scale.
Interactions between scales are complex: they can create new social and economic landscapes, they can lead to forms of spatial competition, or may ultimately generate forms of “immunity”, of non-relationship. This raises a number of questions: How do local and the global scales relate (or not) to one another? What are the relationships between scales? How can we develop trans-scalar spatial thinking?
The Symposium will try to address these questions with a transdisciplinary approach.



Introduction by prof. arch. Jonathan Sergison (Accademia di architettura USI, ISUP Director)


  • Matteo Vegetti (Accademia di architettura USI, Philosopher)
  • Niccolò Cuppini (Supsi DEASS, Political scientist)
  • Tommaso Morawski (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Philosopher)
  • Alessandra Bonazzi (Università di Bologna, Geographer)

Respondent: Paolo Perulli (Accademia di architettura USI, Urban Sociologist)

Moderator: Silvia Cipelletti (Accademia di architettura USI, ISUP Phd student)




  • Frédéric Bonnet (Accademia di architettura USI, ISUP, Architect-Urbanist)
  • Aglaée Degros (TU Graz, Architect-Urban Planner)
  • Figueiredo Marques Pellegrini (Accademia di architettura USI, Landscape architect)
  • Janina Gosseye (TU Delft, Urban Theorist)

Respondent: João Nunes (Accademia di architettura USI, ISUP, Landscape Architect)

Moderator: Zeno Zanderigo (Accademia di architettura USI, ISUP, Phd student)