Marco Battaglia is the winner of the Prize for scientific contributions on issues of equal opportunities and diversity


Institutional Communication Service

7 September 2020

The USI Equal Opportunities Delegation, chaired by Pro-Rector Prof. Daniela Mondini, awarded Marco Calogero Battaglia for his Master's thesis in Italian language, literature and civilisation “Il primo teatro femminista d’Italia, Lina Mangiacapre (1973-1984)" (The first feminist theatre in Italy) .

The thesis is the result of field research and close collaboration with the family of the artist and activist who died in 2002, in order to edit a critical edition of her theatrical works. A work that aims to restore the artistic value of Mangiacapre's production, but above all the political value of her work as a form of activism through the exposing of sexism, homophobia and racism, proposing alternative models for a better society.

There are also three Special Mentions, which consists of 500 Swiss francs each, for research works in the categories of architecture, communication and economics, respectively to Enrico Brondelli di Brondello for his theoretical term paper "This must be the place. A culinary exploration of feeling at home", to Zuleika Schwarz for her Master of Advanced Studies thesis in Intercultural Communication "Have you ever been black since you always know how it feels? Perceived racist discrimination of nurses of colour in Swiss health care institutions" and to the PhD student in economics Giulia Savio for her article "Let the voters choose women" published in the Journal of Public Economics 180 (2019) and written in collaboration with Audinga Baltrunaite, Alessandra Casarico, Paola Profeta (read the article).

The Prize for scientific contributions on issues of equal opportunities and diversity, which consists of 2000 Swiss francs, is granted to stimulate interest and promote the commitment of students junior academics of USI to deal with the issues of equality, diversity and inclusion, in all possible dimensions. At the same time, the Prize encourages the sharing of information and research projects concerning equal opportunities within the University.


For more information on the Award for scientific contributions on topics of equality and diversity:


Acceptance speech for the Award for scientific contributions on topics of equality and diversity by Marco Battaglia