The senate discussed the academic offer 2019-2020


Institutional Communication Service

29 November 2018

During the last meeting on Thursday, November 8, the Academic Senate focused on the overall analysis of USI's educational offer. Thanks to the presentation by Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, pro-rector for teaching and university life, the discussion focused in particular on the definition of a synoptic framework of the offer for the two-year period 2019-2020, in order to strengthen its consistency and promote its optimisation.

After a lively and constructive discussion involving both students and the academic body, the Senate voted unanimously to support the document, delegating the pro-rector to discuss the observations made with the deans and directors of the various programs.

This is the first time that an USI body is directly involved in the discussion of the academic offer and for the first time common criteria have been defined on how to present the different paths. The intention is to entrust the Senate with the task of drawing up regular reports on this subject.