We care. Take care
Institutional Communication Service
12 October 2020
We care. Take care": this is the message that accompanies the mask holder that, starting today, USI will give to all members of the university community (students, faculty, and staff), together with a surgical mask packed individually. The initiative is promoted by the Rectorate and supported by the Students' Corporation. It expresses the attention and commitment to protecting the well-being and health of the community and at the same time, the need for each of us to respect the measures defined. Protecting others - and ourselves - is simple: keep a safe distance of 1.5 m from other people or, when this is not possible, wear a mask. Do not change the classroom layout. Do not forget about all other protective measures - www.usi.ch/disposizioni-protezione - and, above all, always respect those around.
Starting by pointing out USI's commitment to providing a safe study and work environment ("We care."), and following up with the call to all members of the academic community to respect the protection provisions ("Take care."), the COVID-19 awareness campaign now enters its final phase: "We care. Take care". We all care about our University, so let us take care of each other.
The free mask holder will be distributed directly to each member of the University community, in the classroom for students, and by internal mail for academic and administrative staff. It will allow to store and carry your mask properly; a practical way to have it with you at all times, as required by our Protection Provisions. The mask holder is supplied with a surgical sanitary mask, coloured and produced in Ticino, offered to the entire USI community with the support of the Student Corporation.
It is up to all of us to protect others and ourselves. Keep a safe social distance of 1.5 m from other people. If it is not possible, wear the mask. Do not change the classroom layout. And above all, always respect those around who may have a legitimate concern for themselves or their loved ones.
If we do not play our part, the University may be forced to introduce more restrictive measures, including suspension of courses in attendance and access to classrooms.