Scholarships for the Academy of Architecture

Richiesta borsa di studio per studenti di Bachelor e Master

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  • Scholarships in favour of Swiss students

    Cantonal scholarships

    Swiss students who have been residing in Ticino for at least two years (for foreign students, at least five years) may seek financial assistance from the Department of Education, Culture and Sport (Dipartimento dell'Educazione, della cultura e dello sport - DECS) of the Canton Ticino.
    The electronic version of the application form can be downloaded from this web page, whereas the hard copy is available at Accademia di architettura, Villa Argentina, or by contacting [email protected]

    Swiss students residing in other Swiss cantons, are requested to contact their local office for scholarships 
    Swiss students residing abroad should request scholarships to their canton of origin

    For any further details, please contact the Student Financial Aid Office (Ufficio degli aiuti allo studio):

    Piazza Governo 7
    6501 Bellinzona
    Tel. +41 91 814 34 32
    e-mail: [email protected]


    SODESKA Foundation

    offers 5 annual scholarships to Swiss students to support them in their academic studies at USI. Applications are to be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to Fondazione SODESKA, and handed in at the front desk of Villa Argentina by February 28th of each year.


    Zonta Club Lugano Foundation

    awards several scholarships to Swiss students or foreign students living in Ticino with a C residence permit who are attending a Bachelor's or a Master's Degree Programme. The application form together with the supporting documents has to be submitted to Zonta Club Foundation by the end of October of each year.
    Visit page.



  • Scholarships in favour of Italian students

    The Fondazione A+A Maletti

    (at Studio avv. Alessandro Guglielmetti, via Beroldingen 8, 6850 Mendrisio) deals specifically with the granting of scholarships to Italian students. Since 2015, scholarships are no longer awarded to first-year Bachelor students. The deadline for these scholarships is the end of September of each year.

  • Scholarships that may be requested through the Academy of Architecture

    The following foundations and sponsors are granting scholarships to particularly talented and disadvantaged students from developing countries and schools with which the Academy has a privileged relationship.

    • Foundation Leonardo, Lugano
    • Association Amici dell’Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio
    • Family Alessandro Conti
    • Familes Tobia De Eccher and Riccardo Pastrello


    • Within 15th May: students who need an entry visa for Switzerland
    • Within 30th June: all other students
    • Within 15th July: students applying for the Solidarity Scholarship 2020

    Already enrolled students are requested to fill in the form by clicking here. Not yet enrolled students are kindly requested to contact [email protected] for more information.

    Solidarity Scholarships 2020

    With the aim of helping the students affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 emergency, USI has set up the Solidarity Scholarships Fund 2020. All applications must be submitted through the appropriate online form by July 31st, 2020. Priority will be given to applications received by July 15th, 2020. Documents that need to be uploaded during the application process: most recent transcript of records, student’s and parents’ income tax certificate for last year, motivation letter and, if that is the case, relevant certificate(s) proving that the family’s financial situation has changed significantly due to the pandemic.

    Application form - Academy


    Scholarship in favour of students from the cantons of German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland enrolled for the first time at the Academy who wish to reside at Casa dell’Accademia​

    The Fondazione per la Casa dell’Accademia offers several scholarships worth CHF 3,000 each for students living in the German-speaking or French-speaking cantons, corresponding to half the monthly rent for a room at the student housing.


    Reduced tuition fees for Swiss students residing abroad

    In accordance with the Regulations for admissions and matriculations at Università della Svizzera italiana (available only in Italian), a reduction of the enrolment fee from CHF 4'000.- to CHF 2'000.- per semester can be applied to students of Swiss students residing abroad when graduating. Preference is given to students from disadvantaged families, according to the criteria applied by Canton Ticino.


    Scholarships for 1st year Bachelor students from the cantons of the German-speaking Switzerland and French-speaking Switzerland

    In order to further promote the multilingual and multicultural composition of the student body - which, in line with the objectives of USI, has shown great relevance also for Italian-speaking students - USI provides scholarships for students from the German and French-speaking cantons of Switzerland.
    This scholarship is awarded automatically to all new Bachelor 1 students and corresponds to the annual fee of CHF 4’000.-.