Mendrisio Academy Press - About

Since its foundation in 1996 at Mendrisio, the Academy of Architecture-Università della Svizzera italiana has been actively engaged in the publishing of works connected with the aims of its teaching and research. The intention has always been to foster a critical and independent view of current architectural thinking and action, while embracing its artistic, scientific, ethical and civilised values. The Academy’s goal is to train “territorial” architects, who are thus aware of working in an environment that takes in and relates manmade signs to nature. This clearly explains why the titles in its catalogue range from the history of art to
human ecology and from the history of science to philosophy, from the study of works by the leading figures and movements of modern and contemporary architecture, to the analytical exploration of their professional archives.
The breadth of subjects covered by these publications reflects the fullness and ever more sharply focused aims pursued not only in educational but in the broadest cultural terms by the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture.

  • Director: Walter Angonese
  • Dean's Office Coordinator: Marco Della Torre
  • Editorial Manager: Tiziano Casartelli