Catalogue Mendrisio Academy Press


La recherche naturaliste dans les régions de montagne s’est accélérée à partir de la Renaissance. Tant dans le Nouveau Monde que dans les Alpes, la nature devient un objet d’intérêt empirique, notamment dans le domaine de la botanique. Plus tard, aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, cet intérêt s’est étendu aux Andes et à l’Himalaya grâce au travail de scientifiques, voyageurs et voygeuses. Les études de cas présentées ici portent sur les recherches naturalistes développées dans les régions de montagne entre le XVIIe et le XXe siècles, avec une approche comparative visant à analyser les asymétries de ces échanges et à mettre en évidence le rôle des divers acteurs impliqués, ainsi que les pratiques et les formes de circulation des objets et des connaissances.


Le ricerche naturalistiche nelle regioni di montagna conoscono un’accelerazione a partire dal Rinascimento. Sia nel nuovo mondo che nell’area alpina, la natura diventa oggetto di interesse empirico, in particolare nel campo della botanica. Più tardi, nei secoli XVIII e XIX, questo interesse si è allargato alle Ande e all’Himalaya grazie ai lavori di scienziati/e e viaggiatori/viaggiatrici. I casi di studio qui esposti riguardano ricerche naturalistiche intraprese in regioni di montagna tra il XVII e il XX secolo, con un approccio comparativo volto ad analizzare le asimmetrie di questi scambi e a sottolineare il ruolo dei rispettivi attori/attrici coinvolti, nonché a evidenziarne le pratiche e le forme di circolazione di oggetti e saperi.


Die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung in den Gebirgsregionen beschleunigte sich ab der Renaissance. Sowohl in der Neuen Welt als auch im Alpenraum wurde die Natur zum Gegenstand des empirischen Interesses, insbesondere im Bereich der Botanik. Später, im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert, weitete sich dieses Interesse dank der Arbeit von Wissenschaftlern, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Reisenden auf die Anden und den Himalaya aus. Die hier vorgestellten Fallstudien beziehen sich auf naturalistische Forschungen, die in Bergregionen zwischen dem 17. und 20. Jahrhundert durchgeführt wurden, mit einem vergleichenden Ansatz, der darauf abzielt, die Asymmetrien dieses Austauschs zu analysieren und die Rolle der jeweils beteiligten Akteure sowie die Praktiken und Formen der Zirkulation von Objekten und Wissen zu beleuchten.

Histoire naturelle et montagne / Storia naturale e montagne / Naturgeschichte und Berge


Tracce di una scuola. Accademia di architettura a Mendrisio 1996-2021, Mendrisio Academy Press
Tracce di una scuola. Accademia di architettura a Mendrisio 1996-2021, Mendrisio Academy Press

This book presents an outline of the foundation and growth of the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture, established in 1996 as a faculty of the coeval Università della Svizzera italiana. The school was immediately distinguished by an educational range that sought to create a dialogue between different disciplines, only seemingly remote from architecture, with historians, philosophers, artists and scientists engaging with the work of architects and urban planners. And in retracing the first 25 years of the Academy, the author, a world-famous architect and one of the founders of the school, also recounts architecture experienced as a generational commitment in the face of environmental changes.

Mario Botta, Tracce di una scuola. Accademia di architettura a Mendrisio 1996-2021

21 x 26 cm, 424 pp.
690 ill. col. and b/w
ISBN: 9788892821279
€ 35 / frs 35.–

Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press
Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Mendrisio Academy Press

Seventh edition 2020
Bruther (France)
Al Borde (Ecuador), Arrhov Frick (Sweden), Bernardo Bader (Austria), Barbas Lopes Arquitectos (Portugal), Tatiana Bilbao (Mexico), Riccardo Butini (Italy), Carmody Groarke (England), Ricardo Carvalho (Portugal), Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury (Bangladesh), DECA Architecture (Greece), Angela Deuber (Switzerland), Edition Office (Australia), Estudio MMX (Mexico), Nick Gelpi (USA), Guidotti Architetti (Switzerland), Carla Juaçaba (Brasil), langarita navarro arquitectos (Spain), MAPA (Brasil), Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo (Japan), Daniel Moreno Flores (Ecuador), Erika Nakagawa (Japan), OFFICE (Belgium), Camilo Rebelo (Portugal), Robust Architecture Workshop (Sri Lanka), Sabín Blanco Architects (Spain), SIAA_ (Brasil), Taylor and Hinds Architects (Australia), TEd’A Arquitectes (Spain), Terra+Tuma (Brasil), Francesca Torzo (Italy), Christian Wassmann (USA), Xu Tiantian (China).

Swiss Architectural Award 2020

edited by
Nicola Navone
24 x 24 cm, 200 pp.
408 ill. col., 50 ill. b/w
italian / english
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836648818
€ 50 / frs 50.–

Annuario 2020. Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Annuario 2020. Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press

26 Design studios, 14 Diploma studios, 97 courses, 90 lecturers, 116 assistants, more than 800 students: a year of teaching activity at the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture.

Accademia di architettura Annuario / Yearbook 2020

24 × 24 cm, 384 pp.
515 ill. b/w, 51 ill, col.
english / italian
ISBN 97888876248922
€ 18 / frs 20.–


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Paolo Portoghesi, I ponti di Borromini, Mendrisio Academy Press
Paolo Portoghesi, I ponti di Borromini, Mendrisio Academy Press

“This evening, to avoid boring you with familiar matters, I will talk about Borromini as a bridge builder, though physically he never built any. To understand the sense in which the word ‘bridge’ is to be understood, I will give the definition that a philosopher gave, which I will have occasion to speak of again. ‘The bridge rises light and powerful above the river. It not only connects two banks that already exist. The connection established by the bridge firstly causes the two banks to appear as banks. It is the bridge that properly opposes one to the other. The one bank is detached from and opposed to the other by virtue of the bridge. The banks then do not simply bound the river as the nondescript edges of dry land. With the two banks, the bridge each time brings one and the other expanse of the surrounding landscape. It brings the river, the banks and the surrounding land into reciprocal closeness’. The banks that Borromini’s bridges distinguish and connect are many. Those we will talk about are six: the North and the South of Europe; decoration and the architectural organism; the forms of architecture and their meanings; composition and decomposition as a design method; virtual and real; architecture and life” (Paolo Portoghesi).

Paolo Portoghesi, I ponti di Borromini

14.5 x 19 cm, 48 pp.
40 ill. col., 15 ill. b/w
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836647989
€ 10 / frs 12.‒


Depuis plusieurs années, l’historiographie souligne le dynamisme des régions de montagne dans leur relation avec la plaine, mettant en évidence l’adaptabilité de leurs systèmes économiques et de leurs diverses formes de pluriactivité familiale. Dans les Alpes, à côté d’un secteur agricole conditionné par ses particularités écologiques propres, le développement d’activités «intégratives» dans de multiples secteurs de production résulte de stratégies volontairement mises en œuvre par les groupes familiaux. Aussi le concept d’économie paysanne intégrée (EPI) invite-t-il à repenser la diversification des activités économiques dans une perspective de bottom up.


Da diversi anni, la storiografia sottolinea il dinamismo della montagna nella sua relazione con la pianura, evidenziando nel contempo la duttilità di gran parte dei sistemi economici montani che si esprimono attraverso svariate forme di pluriattività familiare. Accanto al settore agricolo, legato ai caratteri ecologici del territorio, nelle Alpi si sono sviluppate attività "integrative" legate a molteplici ambiti produttivi. Il concetto di Integrated Peasant Economy (IPE) suggerisce di ripensare in una prospettiva bottom-up la diversificazione delle attività economiche alla luce delle strategie messe coscientemente in atto  all'interno dei gruppi familiari.


In der Historiografie werden seit mehreren Jahren die Dynamiken der Bergwelt in Bezug auf das Flachland untersucht und die Flexibilität vieler Wirtschaftssysteme in den Bergen hervorgehoben, die in der Mehrfachbeschäftigung der Familie zum Ausdruck kommt. Neben der Landwirtschaft haben sich in den Alpen verschiedenste «ergänzende» Aktivitäten in unterschiedlichen Produktionsbereichen entwickelt. Das Konzept der Integrated Peasant Economy (IPE) bietet sich an, die Diversifizierung der Wirtschaftsaktivitäten in einer Bottom-up-Perspektive neu zu denken und dabei jene Strategien zu beleuchten, die innerhalb der familiären Gruppen zum Einsatz kommen.

Pluriactivité. Économie et organisation du travail: Alpes et Apennins (XIIIe -XXe siècles) / Pluriattività. Economia e organizzazione del lavoro: Alpi e Appennini (XIII-XX secolo) / Pluriaktivität. Wirtschaft und Arbeitsorganisation: Alpen und Apennin


Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press
Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco, Mendrisio Academy Press

Through an analysis of the artistic and social dynamics underlying the organisation and direction of the important construction site of Como cathedral, on which painters, master glass-makers, goldsmiths and sculptors were active, and by retracing the historiography of the four brothers Rodari, the volume reconstructs the work of Tommaso and his workshop, reordering the chronology of some works and proposing a linear path from his early to his late activity.

Preface by Giovanni Agosti.

Mirko Moizi, Tommaso Rodari e il Rinascimento comasco

19 x 24.5 cm
340 pp.
196 ill. b/w, 8 ill. col.
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836644759
€ 40 / frs 40.‒

Buy Open Access
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press
Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva, Mendrisio Academy Press

With a major retrospective, the Museo Cantonale d’Arte in Lugano pays homage to Massimo Cavalli (Locarno, 1930), an outstanding figure among the generation of Ticinese artists who made their names in the second half of the twentieth century. Comprising more than 300 works, the exhibition traces, from the early 1950s to the present, the development of Cavalli’s oeuvre which has always been distinguished by his unswerving attachment to an informal pictorial idiom, albeit developed over the years with impressive originality. This rich collection, together with the exhibition catalogue (the most exhaustive ever devoted to this artist), offers a comprehensive survey of Cavalli’s paintings whilst also covering his equally intense graphic.

Massimo Cavalli, Retrospettiva

edited by
Marco Franciolli
22 x 24 cm, 228 pp.
195 ill. col.
ISBN 888762416X
€ 36 / frs 56.–



«Along with Pierre Chareau’s Maison de Verre, Paris of 1932, and Adalberto Libera’s Casa Malaparte in Capri of 1938, the Villa Girasole, finally launched on its diurnal cycle in 1935, now begins to assume its rightful place as one of the eccentric masterpieces of twentieth century architecture» (Kenneth Frampton).

Texts in English and Italian by Kenneth Frampton, Aurelio Galfetti, Valeria Farinati.
Photographs by Enrico Cano.

Villa Girasole. La casa rotante / The Revolving House

Kenneth Frampton, Aurelio Galfetti, Valeria Farinati
photographs by Enrico Cano
24 x 28 cm, 192 pp.
120 ill. col., 57 ill. b/w
english / italian
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836627745
€ 32 / frs 40.–


The result of a competition held in the summer of 1967, the Swimming Baths of Bellinzona by Aurelio Galfetti, Flora Ruchat-Roncati and Ivo Trümpy offers the first concrete manifestation of that “territorial architecture” that has been a feature of architecture in the Ticino from the late sixties down to its most recent developments. Drawing on largely unpublished materials preserved in the Archivio del Moderno, supplemented with drawings, photographs (historical and current), documents from the private archives of the architects, and other public and private records, the volume presents a critical reading of the work while retracing its history: from the competition to the development of intermediate variants down to the drafting and completion of the final project.

Texts by Bruno Reichlin, Nicola Navone, Martin Steinmann, Franz Graf and Monica Sciarini.
Colour photographs by Enrico Cano.

Il Bagno di Bellinzona di Aurelio Galfetti, Flora Ruchat-Roncati, Ivo Trümpy

edited by
Nicola Navone, Bruno Reichlin
24 x 28 cm, 220 pp.
387 ill. b/w and col.
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836623013
€ 48 / frs 50.-


Built in Milan between 1954 and 1958 to provide a home for children in difficulty, the Marchiondi Spagliardi Institute by Vittoriano Viganò represents, through its innovative educational program, its “neo-Brutalist” vocabulary and its material nature, a phase of outstanding interest in European architectural research. This volume presents a critical reading of the work by many voices, conducted through the interpretation of previously unpublished materials from the Viganò family, the architect’s professional archives, and the archives of the client, the contractor and other professionals.

Texts by Bruno Reichlin, Letizia Tedeschi, Alberto Grimoldi, Franz Graf, Francesca Albani, Gianni Ottolini, Valeria Farinati.
Photographs by Ugo La Pietra and Enrico Cano.

L'Istituto Marchiondi Spagliardi di Vittoriano Viganò

edited by
Franz Graf, Letizia Tedeschi
24 x 28 cm, 304 pp.
495 ill. b/w and col.
ISBN 9788887624434
€ 48 / frs 75.-

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Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press
Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, Mendrisio Academy Press

This nineth issue of the series “Quaderni” from the BSc course in “Construction Systems and Processes” is devoted to the Case Terenzio (1969-1971), by Roberto Bianconi. The second year students at the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture, guided by professor Franz Graf, carried out practical work on the Houses articulated in the collection and analysis of original documentation, the redrafting of the building plans and the production of axonometric projections and constructional models made to scale. A selection of the material collected for the course, with the original drawings and period photographs, together with a historical reading of the building, a structural analysis and a selection of students’ works make up this issue, which is intended not only to demonstrate the presence in Ticino of a notable architectural work, but also to furnish the operators responsible for its conservation with pointers about appropriate ways of carrying out maintenance or restoration work.

Roberto Bianconi. Case Terenzio, 1969-1971

edited by
Franz Graf, Britta Buzzi-Huppert
21 x 29.5 cm, 64 pp.
35 ill. col., 25 ill. b/w
english / italian
ISBN 9788887624878
€ 25 / frs 25.–

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Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press
Academy of Architecture, Yearbook 2019, Mendrisio Academy Press

The Design and Diploma studios, the courses, the lectures, the books and the expositions: a year of activities at the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture.

Accademia di architettura, Yearbook 2019

24 × 24 cm
382 pp.
english / italian
ISBN 9788887624892
€ 18 / frs 20.–


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Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press
Quarantotto pagine: Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio, Mendrisio, Academy Press

“To lay a solid foundation for the teaching of the theory of landscape architecture, we need to start by developing a critical atlas of the works created during the short history of the discipline. We need to identify, analyse and interpret these works, which means engaging in a true hermeneutic activity. Research activities in the field of landscape architecture should start here, from the unwritten history of the discipline. This activity will have to proceed in a comparative and open way, scrutinising across a broad range everything that can enter into a (reasoned) repertoire of landscape architecture. As long as such an instrument is lacking, the teaching of the subject will always remain reductive and approximate” (Michael Jakob).

Michael Jakob, L'architettura del paesaggio

14,5 x 19 cm, 48 pp.
27 ill. col., 5 ill. b/w
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836645565
€ 10 / frs 12.‒

Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press
Laboratorio Ticino, Mendrisio Academy Press

This volume brings together a series of contributions illustrating the work done in recent years by the Laboratorio Ticino, a structure of the USI Academy of Architecture devoted to the design of the territory, whose work also flows into the teaching and dissemination of urban culture and contemporary landscape design.

Texts by Michele Arnaboldi, Gianni Biondillo, Riccardo Blumer, Frédéric Bonnet, Claudio Ferrata, Aurelio Galfetti, João Nunes, Gian Paolo Torricelli e Simone Garlandini.

Laboratorio Ticino

edited by
Michele Arnaboldi
with Enrico Sassi and Francesco Rizzi
19 x 24,5 cm, 228 pp.
255 ill. b/w and col.
ISBN 9788887624885
€ 39,00 / frs 39.–

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La gestion collective des ressources a, dans la zone alpine, une longue histoire, mais est aussi d’une grande actualité. Sur la base d’études de cas et en recourant à diverses ap­proches méthodologiques les contributions de ce volume discutent les différents processus de transformation qu’ont subis les corporations collectives, l’accent étant mis, en par­ticulier, sur les pâturages et forêts collectifs. Sont abordés, notamment, les logiques économiques, les formes de partici­pation politique, les processus d’exclusion sociale, les conno­tations religieuses, les connaissances et savoirs scientifiques, sans oublier l’aspect important de la durabilité.

La gestione collettiva delle risorse in area alpina ha una lunga storia, ma è anche un tema di grande attualità. Attraverso diverse prospettive metodologiche e vari studi di caso, foca­lizzati su pascoli e foreste collettive, i contributi di questo volume discutono il processo di trasformazione che ha co­involto le corporazioni collettive alpine. Sono prese in esame le logiche economiche, le forme di partecipazione politica,
i processi di esclusione sociale, le connotazioni religiose, le conoscenze scientifiche e, non da ultimo, la questione della sostenibilità.

Die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung von Ressourcen hat im Alpen raum eine lange Geschichte und grosse Aktualität. Die Beiträge in diesem Band diskutieren die Transformations­prozesse, welche die Kollektivkörperschaften durchlaufen haben, anhand diverser Fallbeispiele und unterschiedlicher methodischer Zugänge mit Fokus auf kollektive Weiden und Wälder. Es kommen ökonomische Logiken, politische Partizi­pationsformen, soziale Ausschliessungsprozesse, religiöse Konnotationen, dynamische Wissensbestände und nicht zu­letzt die Frage der Nachhaltigkeit zur Sprache.

Pâturages et forêts collectifs / Kollektive Weiden und Wälder


Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli
Mendrisio Academy Press, Milano città e territorio. Uno studio di caso Antonio Calafati, Basellini, De Lorenzo, Zoli

This book is the outcome of a teaching project stemming from a consolidated approach to research into the contemporary city. It uses the case of Milan as an introduction to the study of the co-evolution between social city and physical city, an analytical and project theme that has marked modern urban planning.
The first part describes the process of formation of the city of Milan as it is in fact; the second presents a methodology for analysing the morphology of the territory of the municipality of San Donato Milanese, interpreted as part, as a district, of Greater Milan.

Milano: città e territorio. Uno studio di caso

Antonio Calafati,
Carlottavio Basellini, Alberto De Lorenzo, Stefano Zoli
19 x 22,5 cm
96 pp.
80 ill. col., 14 ill. b/w
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836646647 
€ 20 / frs. 20.‒

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Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi
Mendrisio Academy Press, Quindici anni di Wish by Martino Pedrozzi

How can we avoid the creation of new ghettos or the proliferation of dormitory neighbourhoods? How does architectural action encourage ties between individual and family life and the social and collective dimensions? The special character of social housing lies in this twofold specificity: it responds to primary needs and offers scenarios of life capable of accommodating the complexity of public space. In doing so, the design of social housing is closely bound up with the urban fact and its deep social, cultural and temporal stratification. The design of important sections of the city constitutes the underlying motif of all 15 editions of WISH (Workshop on International Social Housing), a formative project launched in 2003 by the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture and recounted in this volume.

Quindici anni di WISH

Workshop on International Social Housing
edited by
Martino Pedrozzi, Andrea Nardi
17 x 24 cm
280 pp.
96 ill. col., 204 ill. b/v
ISBN 9788887624915 
€ 39 / frs. 39.‒

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Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press
Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Academy Press

An artist of international renown based in Belgium, Koen Vanmechelen has centered his work on the relation between nature and culture throughout the course of an almost forty-year-long journey. Acclaimed for his exploration of the intersections between art and science, the artist tries, through his projects, to understand and pose questions on the great challenges of the 21st century. Sculptor, painter, performer, filmmaker, as well as a human rights advocate, the artist has rounded out his projects for the hybridization of both animals and plants with the contamination of the figurative arts, of materials and media making formal proliferation within conceptual complexity his own personal earmark on a creative universe that is as unique as it is unmistakable. This catalogue of the exhibition illustrates more than sixty-five pieces ‒ which were all realized between 1982 and 2019 ‒ intended to highlight the more strictly plastic aspects of his body of work.

Texts by: Boas Erez, Mario Botta, Didi Bozzini, James Putnam, Marcus Thelen, Pierluigi Panza, Koen Vanmechelen.

Koen Vanmechelen. The Worth of Life 1982-2019

edited by
Didi Bozzini
27 x 27 cm, 222 pp.
80 ill. col., 23 ill. b/w
english / italian
Silvana Editoriale
ISBN 9788836645015
40 € / 40.‒ frs

Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press
Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974, Mendrisio Academy Press

This eighth issue of the series “Quaderni” from the BSc course in “Construction Systems and Processes” is devoted to the Scuola media Losone, by Livio Vacchini and Aurelio Galfetti (1972-1974). The second year students at the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture, guided by professor Franz Graf, carried out practical work on the building articulated in the collection and analysis of original documentation, the redrafting of the building plans and the production of axonometric projections and constructional models made to scale. A selection of the material collected for the course, with the original drawings and period photographs, together with a historical reading of the building, a structural analysis and a selection of students’ works make up this issue, which is intended not only to demonstrate the presence in Ticino of a notable architectural work, but also to furnish the operators responsible for its conservation with pointers about appropriate ways of carrying out maintenance or restoration work.

Livio Vacchini, Aurelio Galfetti. Scuola media Losone, 1972-1974

edited by
Franz Graf, Britta Buzzi-Huppert
21 x 29.5 cm, 64 pp.
13 ill. col., 37 ill. b/w
english / italian
ISBN 9788887624854
€ 18 / frs 20.–

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